An easy way to check and verify your OpenCerts certificates

Whether you are a student or an employer, verify any OpenCerts certificate here.

.opencert Dropzone

Drag and drop your opencert file

to view its contents


Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Nanyang Polytechnic
Republic Polytechnic
Singapore Polytechnic
Temasek Polytechnic
Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board
Institute of Technical Education
National Institute of Early Childhood Development
Nanyang Technological University
National University of Singapore
Singapore Institute of Technology
Singapore Management University
Singapore University of Social Sciences
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
LASALLE College of the Arts
SkillsFuture Singapore Agency
Government Technology Agency

What we can help you do


Easy way to view your certificate


Make sure it has not been tampered with


Find out if it is from a recognised institution

How it works


When an OpenCerts certificate is created, a unique digital code is tagged to it. This code, together with condensed information from the certificate, is stored on the blockchain.

When you open the .opencert file on this site, its contents will be compared with what was stored on the blockchain.

We'll check if the contents match and if the certificate comes from a recognised insitution. This way, you'll know if the certificate is valid when you try to view it.